
Rethinking peanut butters role in weight gain

Peanut butter has amazing fattening properties, not just calories.
4 years

Rethinking peanut butters role in weight gain

Peanut butter has amazing fattening properties, not just calories.

What do you mean?

I'm guessing he's alluding to the fact that PnB is the 1-2 fat punch of fat paired with sugar. And it's a LOT of fat, which means it's one of the most calorically dense foods available: 1,600 calories per cup.
4 years

Rethinking peanut butters role in weight gain

Peanut butter has amazing fattening properties, not just calories.

What do you mean?

I'm guessing he's alluding to the fact that PnB is the 1-2 fat punch of fat paired with sugar. And it's a LOT of fat, which means it's one of the most calorically dense foods available: 1,600 calories per cup.

Tell 'em about the protein Bicepsual.

I was actually referring to the oestrogen effects. Man boobs and fat deposits.
4 years